Click here to disable icons on menus to flag the common internet audio settings. Click here to display an icon on menus to flag the common internet audio settings. Click here to disable the splash screen window on application launch. When ConvertMachine is registered you will be able to Click here to disable the splash screen window on application launch. Click here to display the splash screen window on application launch. Click here to not play System 7 sound files or Movie Audio Tracks. Click here to play the converted sound file with the Finder if it a System 7 sound file, or with MoviePlayer if it is a Movie Audio Track. Click here to not play AIFF, WAVE or AU files. Click here to play the converted sound file with SoundMachine if it an AIFF, WAVE or AU file. Click here to exit without saving the indicated settings. Click here to save these settings to the "ConvertMachine Prefs" file in your Preferences folder (inside your System Folder).